Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Out with the Old...
I did accomplish many goals. I did set some goals I didn't accomplish... and one realization brought me to tears today, thinking about how poorly I have done recently at trying to achieve a specific goal. Tomorrow is always a new day: I will wake up and start again.
Have I become a better person? I believe I have. I know I have shortcomings - but I also have come to realize many of my strengths. Have others been blessed because I am a part of their life? I have many close friendships that have grown closer in the past year. Some friends have become so dear to me I consider them family.
Have I done anything to change the world for the better? That is a difficult question to answer. I have loved those who needed to be loved. I have shared my home. I have finished a race. I have made soap. I have begun serving a mission. I have been a visiting teacher. I have grown a garden and shared the produce. I have shared my photography, been a shoulder to cry on, visited friends in the hospital... Have I changed the world? Maybe not in a headline sort of way. I would like to believe that somewhere in the lives I have been blessed to be a part of, I have touched someone's heart. Changing a heart can change the world.
"The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about, and what you value." Stephen R. Covey
My life is my own. I choose to be who I am - and no one else can make that decision for me. Some people may not like my decisions, but they are mine to make and mine to be accountable to the Lord for. I am grateful I have lived the life I have. I know it's not perfect, but it's mine. This year will bring so many changes... I look forward to being the best me I can be!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A New Entry...
I have decided I am tired of all the hateful comments that are being made about me- on my own blog. Please, if you don't like what I put on my blog... don't read it. Or if you do, have the courtesey not to say hateful things. I don't do things out of hate or to cause hard feelings. That is not the kind of person I am. I write things that are true... and I write how it is for me.
I have especially felt under attack from Cambrey lately... and yes, I am going to write about it here on my blog. Yes, I called DCFS, and I know you have known that. I did it out of concern for Hayden, and as a law abiding citizen. I have taken the courses required to be a foster mother, and I am fully aware of what constitutes endangering a child. At the time I called, I felt your son was not safe. I am not the only one. Since then, you have threatened me with "legal injunctions" trying to force me to remove pictures of him from my blog. Not once have you asked politely. Not once have you ever had the decency to talk to me about it - you have threatened me through text messenging. And no, I will not. Just because you feel hate toward me... does not mean that I do not love him. I feel sorry for you that you feel the world needs to revolve around your demands. In the past I have given in. On this point, I will not.
I was told "you are not allowed to be at the birth of my son". That broke my heart... and Zane and I went on vacation that week specifically to obey your wishes. I will never again miss a part of your son's life because of your selfishness. I will be there, and I will have my camera as always. Pictures of him will continue to be part of my blog.
I don't understand all the chaos you feel necessary to have in your life, but I do not appreciate how you drag other people in to it. I am no longer a stranger sitting on the sideline wishing I was a member of the family. I am the oldest sibling. I have known for years that my opinion really didn't matter... so I chose not to voice it. Now I choose to say what I am thinking, and it sometimes ends up in a fight because my opinion doesn't always conform with what others "think is right". A quote I read once said "When you believe something you assume you are right, and you may even destroy relationships to defend your position." Plenty of relationships in this family have been destroyed. Some have never been allowed to form. I have a responsibility to be an example. I will live in the way I feel is best. Accept it or not.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
So blessed!
I am sad for those who do not have the kind of friends I do... someone to talk to when lonely, go out and have fun with - someone who will be there no matter the situation in life. I know there are many poeple who live a bitter and clsoed off life - by the choices they make - and I feel sad for them. However, I understand that they are choosing to remain miserable. I wish for them to find within themselves to find happiness.
I loved the Christmas party tonight... watch out Aunt Jo- you took my favorite gift tonight! ;) We always have white elephant gifts, and she took the gift I was most excited to have! I did come home with some really yummy hot cocoa and an amaryliss bulb though, so all is well!! I loved getting to know you better David... and Nicole, sorry about Zane's relentless teasing. Maybe next year will be a little better? Jayla, really, where was your earring after all that looking?! Did we really have to have death by chocolate cake? Karley... you didn't pop after all! I had a great night! I am grateful to have such a wonderful family!
Friday, December 26, 2008
A New Earth - book club
As we just celebrated Christmas, something really touched me. We run from here to there gathering, buying, celebrating with each other. How many people did you see that were unhappy? Honestly, I saw a few... but not as many as usual. Eckhart says "Unhappiness or negativity is a disease on our planet." How true is that! I know so many people that all they seem to be able to do is live their live complaining... it's almost as if they don't have any other language. Why is that? It's like a small child throwing a temper tantrum... they learn at a young age they can mainpulate others -"the more unhappy I become, the more likely I am to get what I want." Does that really work as an adult? How many adults do you know that believe it does? From my life experience, it doesn't. It simply makes you more miserable.
When my husband was deployed, I could sit around and feel sorry for myself and all my problems - or I could stand up and take charge. When I weighed nearly 300 pounds, I could give up and pity myself, get surgey and complain about being fat... or I could eat right, get myself to the gym, and un-do what I did to myself. When I was wrongly accused of harming a foster child placed in my home, I could go in to a huge rage and depression, or I could stand up and do what I know is right, clearing my name of all accusations. When I am falsely accused of being a bad person, I could let it affect me... or I can choose to do what I know is right, stand up for those who are in need of my love, and continue to live my life as I know is best.
I know that God loves me. There are challenges I have been blessed with, trials that may seem insurmountable - but I know that the Lord will not give me any challenge I cannot overcome. I am so blessed to have a husband to whom I am married in the temple. I know we will be married for eternity. I am grateful we choose to work together and honor the covenants we have made. I am grateful to not have chaos in my relationship with him, as many people do in their relationships.
On page 65 of his book, Eckhart Tolle says, "There are many people who are always waiting for the next thing to react against, to feel annoyed or disturbrd about - and it never takes long before they find it. They are addicted to upset and anger as others are to a drug." I am sure almost everyone in the world knows someone like this. "Depression, breakdowns, and overreactions are common when unhappiness is covered up behind a smiling exterior and brilliant white teeth, when there is denial, sometimes even to one's self, that there is much unhappiness." (page 95) Why choose to be unhappy? I choose happiness and peace in my life.
So what have I learned in all of this? Why am I writing a blog about it? My life is changing. The storms may rage around me- false accusations, lies or constant chaos. I choose to not let that affect me. Psalms 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God." As the Christmas season is now coming to an end, and the chaos of life is starting up again with the new year, I choose to be still. I will follow my heart. I will do what is right for me in my own life, and not let any other person's chaos change what I do. I am a daughter of God who loves me and will bless my life as I follow what is right. I am grateful to know who I am, where I am going in life, and the direction to turn to find peace and stillness in my heart.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Gifts
My enire life, I have felt like serving others is thew way for me to feel good about myself. I have neglected myself fo so many years, that it seemed normal to overlook my needs and simply give and give.
I felt like people liked me because I am a nice person. I tend to avoid conflicts, keep my opinions to myself, and observe. I have many friends... but most of them will tell you they don't know all that much about me. I have spent years getting to know others likes and dislikes... that I have hardly paid any attention to my own, to be honest. I have lived a very "safe" life.
Today I went to a friend's home to take a family portrait of he and his family for Christmas. I almost felt like I was intruding there... so I wanted to get in, take the pictures and leave. He, however, had a different plan. After the pictures, he invited Zane and I to stay for their family Christmas Eve dinner. At first I was a little uncomfortable - but we stayed. And then, they asked us to stay for their family tradition of acting out the birth of the Savior. Members of the family dress as "characters" and re-inact the traveling to Bethlehem, etc. It was beautiful!
Afterwords, my friend other members of his family who have been to Jerusalem took turns telling the children how they had felt when the visited the spot they believe the Savior had been born. Some talked of the tomb where He was buried, and others spoke of the Hill where He was crucified. There was such a peaceful feeling there. It was one of the best Christmas gifts I have ever received - the reminder of why we celebrate Christmas in the first place, and to feel of he Savior's love. It was amazing!
The second gift I received was this: I realized that people genuinely liked me for who I am. 4 different people, today alone, told me how much they appreciate my friendship. I realized, for the first time ever, that I really am a good person, and I don't have to live up to any expectations, real or imagined, that anyone has. I am enough just being me. What better gifts could I have received this Christmas Eve?!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Someone who I implicitly trusted outright lied to me today. Part of the dilemma for me is that this lie actually puts her in jepardy.Finding out the truth to the situation nearly a half hour later, it physically hurt my heart. I understand she is young, but I still could not believe that such a close friend would betray my trust. I know this situation has nothing to do with me as a person... but it does have to do with my trust. In some ways, I wonder if I am too trusting. Should I have trusted this friend as much as I have? Should I trust all my other good friends as much as I do? How do I know?
What would you do? Of course, this situation will be resolved. I know that. I will sit down with this friend... who I love with all my heart... and talk to her. But how do I know they can be trusted again? OR... do I just completely open myself up for future possible disappointments? Any suggestions?
"You want to make your own decisions, but you ought to make those decisions with an eternal perspective. With age, experience, and faith, you will have the wisdom to make good decisions and also to make the right ones. I believe you young people know where to get the right answers." - James E. Faust
"Presumption of trust is not trust. It's blind hope. Trust is based on knowledge not presumption. Without knowledge you cannot have trust you can only have risk. You have no knowledge to base your trust when you presume. That is not trust, it is a gamble. Are you looking for a reason to trust, or not to trust?" -Unknown
My heart is torn, as you can tell!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Family Christmas party!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Nutcracker Ballet
My favorite Tarryn had the opportunity to dance in the Nutcracker this year, as part of the Mountain West Ballet. She is nearly 10, and has taken less that one year of ballet. She was a bon bon... for anyone who has seen the ballet and can't remember what that is, she was one of the children hiding under the huge skirt of a lady. She was actually one of the "main" bon bons, because she was one of the ones that lifted the skirt and let the others out. SHE WAS AMAZING! Because of copywright, we weren't allowed to take pictures during the performance... and we also weren't allowed to see her in her costume... but here are a couple pictures I took after the show.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sweet 16!

What's a sweet 16 without candy?

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Piano Recital!

Bikram Yoga
Monday, December 8, 2008
What a great philosophy!
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners. Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
Easier? The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. 'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. ' (Charles Schultz)

Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What kind of friend are you?
What kind of friend am I? How do I show others I care about them? With some friends, I am one way, and with others another. Why is that? Some friends I can be bold with, share the truth as it is - and know that no matter what, they will still be my friend. Others, I simply strive to keep the peace... and in doing so I have allowed my opinions and feelings not not count. (Is that really a friendship?)
A friend recently shared a quote with me: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter!"
Sometimes with friends, we have a falling out. Eckhart Tolle wrote in his book The New Earth "Whenever you are upset about an event, a person, or a situation, the real cause is not the event, person, or situation, but a loss of true perspective." How profound!
So who am I, really? A poem I wrote for a friend a while ago:
A true friend is someone who loves us for who we are -
Not that they can't see our faults,
But they refuse to define us by them.
A friend helps our heart feel happy
In moments of sadness-
Like spring warming the winter away.
True friends are eternal...
Tides may ebb and flow -
Yet a friend is strong and stays the course.
When sunshine drives storm clouds from the sky,
A friend will be there with a smile and say
"I knew this day would come."
Loyal, true, caring, sensitive, giving,
Gentle, teaching, funny, comforting...
Qualities searched for in a friend...
The qualities I found in you.
Just something to think about - the qualities I seek in a friend are qualities I should seek to instill in my own life. That way, I will always have a best friend! =)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas Traditions
1984 is the year my family moved to the Worcester Massachusetts area, and I met Dick and Nelia Hopkins. The Hopkins family is one of the most musically gifted family I have ever met. Their tradition in our ward was to perform Handel's Messiah annually at Christmas. Not just the extremely well known "Hallelujah" ckorus, but many other choruses and solos. It was an amazing experience to learn such inspired music! To me Christmas simply is not Christmas without either singing in or attending a performance.
This past Sunday, Zane and I were blessed with the awesome opportunity to attend a performance of the Messiah - directed by Dick Hopkins! He and Nelia have moved to Utah - and we have been fortunate to be able to keep in touch. Clay Christiansen, the Tabernacle Organist, accompanied the choir along with a fabulous chamber orchestra. It was astounding!
We are hoping to attend another performance before Christmas. I hope we can find a sing along!
Just a silly little side note- my favorite number is 107. You may wonder why, and here is the story. The "Hallelujah" chorus is on page 107 in some additions of the Messiah score. My freind Jessica and I really wanted to sing it one day at a rehersal, so we sat and chanted under our breath "107, 107..." and that is the next song we sang. The things you remember!
Thursday, November 27, 2008

I can't imagine what it would have been like to live the way the Pilgrims did. I have been to Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts - and seen the replicas of homes the early settlers lived in. I have seen the way they grew their food, the hard work to prepare everything over the fire... and I am so grateful to not have lived during that time in history.
I am so grateful to have a beautiful home to live in, plenty of food to eat (which I didn't have to grow/store) and plenty to share with others as well. I know that I have lived an extremely blessed life. There are so many things I have taken for granted - home, food, clothing, warmth, friends, freedoms ~ the list is long. My goal for the next year is to find one new thing to be grateful for each day. I know I will be able to see more things that I have taken for granted ~ it will change my life... and for that I am grateful!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Freedom & gratitude
Zane has been home from Afghanistan since the end of August 2007. This weekend I had the opportunity to visit with a brother I don't get to see very often.
As Thanksgiving approaches, I know many people like to reflect on blessings they are grateful for. I am grateful to have my husband home. I am grateful for my family, for the opportunity we have to keep in touch. I feel so grateful to have the gospel in my life, and the love of my Savior.
I can't put in to wird what I am feeling tonight about being gratful for everything the Lord has given me. I just pray we can all take that time to realize how blessed we are.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A big step!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Choices and consequences
We have agency to make choices, however, we do not always have the agency to choose what the consequence will be. We break the law, we either will or will not get caught. We tell lies... we will either be caught - or not. It is not up to us.
The kind of person we are, however, is up to us. We can choose to be honest in all we do. We decide whether or not we obey the laws of the land. We choose to have integrity, doing what is right when others around us may not be. We are on this earth to learn these lessons - not to float through life. We may not always get our way. There are many people who have become experts at manipulation, causing others to believe "it's my way or the highway". To them, I say... or not.
I will be honest and say I have, at times, had a difficult time facing the truth of my life. I have struggled when I was with friends to make the right choices. I have made choices where I was not pleased with the consequences that followed. I am learning in life, just as everyone else is.

The picture of the trees above I took yesterday. I see a meaning thre for me that is very profound. Sometimes in life we have friends or family that stand by us, who "back us up" just like I see these trees standind "back to back". The trees have seen the same weather patterns, have the same view from the top of the mountain... yet they grew differently. Just something to reflect on.