Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Gifts

Today, I was given a tremendous gift. I want to explain a little before I arrive at that gift.

My enire life, I have felt like serving others is thew way for me to feel good about myself. I have neglected myself fo so many years, that it seemed normal to overlook my needs and simply give and give.

I felt like people liked me because I am a nice person. I tend to avoid conflicts, keep my opinions to myself, and observe. I have many friends... but most of them will tell you they don't know all that much about me. I have spent years getting to know others likes and dislikes... that I have hardly paid any attention to my own, to be honest. I have lived a very "safe" life.

Today I went to a friend's home to take a family portrait of he and his family for Christmas. I almost felt like I was intruding there... so I wanted to get in, take the pictures and leave. He, however, had a different plan. After the pictures, he invited Zane and I to stay for their family Christmas Eve dinner. At first I was a little uncomfortable - but we stayed. And then, they asked us to stay for their family tradition of acting out the birth of the Savior. Members of the family dress as "characters" and re-inact the traveling to Bethlehem, etc. It was beautiful!

Afterwords, my friend other members of his family who have been to Jerusalem took turns telling the children how they had felt when the visited the spot they believe the Savior had been born. Some talked of the tomb where He was buried, and others spoke of the Hill where He was crucified. There was such a peaceful feeling there. It was one of the best Christmas gifts I have ever received - the reminder of why we celebrate Christmas in the first place, and to feel of he Savior's love. It was amazing!

The second gift I received was this: I realized that people genuinely liked me for who I am. 4 different people, today alone, told me how much they appreciate my friendship. I realized, for the first time ever, that I really am a good person, and I don't have to live up to any expectations, real or imagined, that anyone has. I am enough just being me. What better gifts could I have received this Christmas Eve?!

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

I'm not always good at keeping up with my friends after a move. I've always considered you a great friend though. You listen well, and have always shared enough of yourself with me that I felt a part of your life. We have different lives, and I never felt anything but love from you. Thanks for your friendship even if we only chat every other year. Sorry about all of the family drama. We made an entire Christmas without any real drama, and that's a first I think.