Monday I learned a great lesson. Some friends went hiking Mount Timpanogos with my husband and I. It was a great time! I pushed myself harder that I thought was humanly possible... and made it all the way to the cave! As we were walking throught the cave, I realized I had just been part of a miracle in my own life. Two years ago, I would not have been able to complete that hike! I also would not have physically been able to fit through some of the narrower areas of the cave. I realize what an amazing transformation has happened in my life - and I am able to "live free" and enjoy things I would have never been capable of before!
Monday Evening, two hours after the hike, came the grandest lesson of all. After eating dinner, my heart felt funny, I got really dizzy... and collapsed. Of course, you can imagine that I spent the next five hours in the emergency room. Every test possible was run - all to find out that I am in "picture perfect health" according to the doctor.
What happened then? I hadn't taken care of myself properly - I didn't eat enough during the day, pushed hard on the trail and caused a lot of stress on my body... and I was told "enough is enough already!" I have always heard people say "If you don't take care of yourself first, you can't help anyone else" but never fully understood. Now I do. If I don't have the strength to do the things I need to on a daily basis, how can I help someone? Just like you cannot draw water from a dry well, you cannot give from an empty heart.
From now on, I come first for me!!