Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Since last Thursday, I haven't heard anything from our birth mother. She was supposed to be induced yesterday, but as of last Thursday, she told me that had been changed. I don't know what the new date is, and I haven't heard anything from her. As you can imagine, my emotions are everywhere.

There is another family she had been considering placing her baby with. I have been wondering about that family this week.

I am holding out hope. We have waited to be parents for over 12 years now, and it is so close. Our birth mom is an amazing woman, and I know she is going through a very difficult time. We are praying for her. Only she can make the dscision of who to place her baby with. Of course, as you can imagine, we hope it is us.

Hope, prayers and faith. What more can one do?


sabofamily said...

Praying for you guys!

Cambrey said...

no one is more deserving than u. We are praying for you!!