In 1994, I was serving a mission in San Fernando CA for the LDS church. I was in Palmdale... and there was a family there that "adopted" the sister missionaries... Toby and Gabby Ramirez. There is no possible way to describe how I felt with their family... other that completely loved! This is one of the most amazing families on the face of the planet! I will admit I probably spent a little more time at their home than I should have... but what can I do about it now?!
They have twin daughters... Angie and Nellie. Gabby calls them her "twinkies". This weekend, we celebrated the twinkies coming home fom their full time missions! They both served in different missions in Texas: Houston, and McAllen.

Angie & Nellie
They have twin daughters... Angie and Nellie. Gabby calls them her "twinkies". This weekend, we celebrated the twinkies coming home fom their full time missions! They both served in different missions in Texas: Houston, and McAllen.
They have other beautiful children also... Mandy who is all grown up and married now to Brandon. I love them soooooooooooo much!
And then there's Nefi. He was about 2 years old when I was on my mission, and I have the cutest picture if him sitting on my lap. Now he's all grown up too- and a senior in high school. He is one of the most "travieso" kids I know... that means trouble-making, practical joking... I think he is the best! This weekend, someone suggested that I pick him up- just like "old times" for a picture... so I did. We all had a good laugh. Then- HE PICKED ME UP! Want to talk about laughing until you cry?!
Bianca and Chelsea, Gabby and Toby's nieces live with them also. I have to say... they are just adorable girls! I loved getting to know them better. I sort of helped them make a fruit punch- it was REALLY GOOD! They did the work... I just "helped" if you know what I mean.
I love Gabby and Toby. I wish everyone I know could meet them and know just how completely amazing they are! Toby is like a big old teddy bear... who you can talk to about anything. We had the best talk Saturday afternoon- he gave me some really good advice to follow, whice I really appreciate. Gabby- my favorite Gabby in the whole world! I ADORE HER! I wish the whole world could know her- we would have a better world if everyone did. She is the best!!!