Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wow, where does time go? 24 weeks along now in my pregnancy, I am beginning to realize jsut how precious time can be. Each day I find myself wondering "have I accomplished anything today?" and honestly, sometimes the answer is: "I really don't know." What does it mean to "accomplish" something anyway?

Does helping a friend count? Writing a special note? Resting for an entire day?

I find myself concerned about not having my home ready for when little Walter Russell is born. Is my home in order? Yard? Life? Sometimes it gets so overwhelming to me I just don't know where to begin. Things seem a little more difficult (physically) to accomplish. How do I weed my yard?! Today, I have a few simple goals: 1. Go grocery shopping. 2. Do a load of laundry. 3. Weed 1 small section of yard. 4. Enjoy my afternoon with my nephews and niece.

I have come to determine that in my life there is a definate priority. If I pull weeds- there will be more tomorrow, and the day after that... it's an ongoing task. Yes it's important, and I am doing it. Most important to me, though, is for the people in my life to know how much they mean to me, how much I love them.

We have been married 13 years, and are expecting our first special miracle. Throughout those years, my brother and his wife have had 5 beautiful children who have greatly blessed my life. Each minute I have spent with them throughout the years has filled a very empty place in my heart, and I truly enjoy it!

The thought for me today is: don't worry about the "TO-DO" list. It will still be there tomorrow. Do a few things on it, but choose what you make a priority. Today, my priority is people- to let them know of my love for them. Tomorrow? Now that's a different story...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just thinking...

Something suddenly struck me last night- the realization that next week is the 20th week of my pregnancy. It's funny how being pregnant, life just goes on as normal... I don't really stop and think about the life being created inside of me all that often.

Yesterday, I sat and help my 9 week old (WOW) nephew for a while. Has it really been that long? Time is going by so fast! How does one slow down time and have the opportunity to savor it more?

Sooner than we know it, our little boy will be born, and I know time will seem to just fly by as he grows. I know it's part of life, but we have waited so long, it's almost as if I want life to move in to a slow-motion pattern for me so I can really see and enjoy everything!

Just something I was thinking about recently...