Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pick your angle!

The angle at which you approach something is exactly how you see it.

Have you ever noticed that when you approach a situation, the angle makes a complete difference on how it plays out? If you enter angry... more anger tends to grow. If you come at it from a place of peace, or being willing to "work things out" then usually things go peacefully? Of course, if there is another person involved, that can also affect the outcome, depending on their agle as well.

My camera taught me this profound truth this week, as I was attempting to take a picture. Things just weren't working the way I wanted them to, and I was getting horribly frustrated. I took 2 steps to the right, and realized I had simply been looking at the picture from the wrong angle.

What a profound lesson - and one I will always keep in my heart!


Kris Neville said...

Fabulous picture! I Love the GLOW!

Anonymous said...

profound realization, in so much! xo Bethany