Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I took a parenting class once, and the teacher taught that sometimes the only word to describe something is... wow. You can say in in sooooo many tones- to imply surprise, disdain, happiness, compassion... one little word, so many meanings!

I find myself saying wow a lot recently. This is a good wow... just wow. After struggling with so much emotion for so man years of not being a mother, there are times my heart is so full that my eyes just can't stop leaking! I have tried to express it in words in my personal journal, and in my blog, and talking to friends... but quite frankly, there are no words to express the feeling.

I feel my Heavenly Father so close to me. I am constantly protected and watched over. I have been very blessed with an amazing pregnancy- and with amazing friends, doctors and others to bless this journey. It is overwhelming at times.

I can tell the time is coming soon when Walter will be born. We are naming our little boy Walter Russell- after 2 of his great-grandfathers... both amazing and honorable men. I pray we can raise him well, honoring his name sakes, instilling in him the importance of honesty, integrity, service, repsect, love of God, love of country, love of family, being trustworthy, giving, loyal... it all happens a day at a time I know- and they grow up so fast.

Just thinking about it all makes me say... WOW. (And my eyes are leaking again...)